CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
July 29, 2005
From: "RICK" Please pray for Louann and Rick to get back together I miss my family and I miss my wife with my heart and soul. Please pray for me please, I miss them so much they're my whole life.
Please pray. God bless you all, Rick
July 28, 2005
From: "MUFIDE" Dear Fathers, brothers and sisters, Could you please pray for the family of Cahit. He died last year leaving behind two little children and a grieving wife and relatives. He keeps appearing to me spiritually begging me to ask you for prayers for him and for his family. God will bless you.
From: "F. B." Please pray for my husband who is living in sin with another woman after many
years of marriage. Pray that he will have the strength to overcome all the evil in his present life. Also pray for my three adult children who are also suffering from the break up of the marriage and the break down of the family unit. In the name of Jesus, and through his suffering on the cross I ask that all of us will be healed and delivered from all the evil that has been attacking us.
July 21, 2005
From: "MUFIDE" Dear brothers, sisters. I am a convert from Turkey. Please pray for me. Otherwise my enemies will destroy me, my family and all dear ones. Since I got converted someting happened to me. Our religious people in Turkey put a curse on me. They transformed my mind and my whole self as enemy to myself and my family. When I start praying out of control I am cursing, ill and death-wishing myself and my dearest ones. An out of control voice in me is wishing long life and blessing to my enemies. I have been trying to get rid of it by myself for the last 8 years. We are in continuous danger. I need urgent help. Please keep me and my family in prayers. God will bless you from Heaven.
In Jesus' Name and for the sake of God the most High, could you please pray also for us from Turkey, please till we are delivered from everything separating us from the Lord Jesus Christ. For: Ali, Tahsin, Faruk, Ahsin, Faruk, Ismail, Irfan, Sherif, Fevziye, Nedime, Mehmet, Yildiz, Mufide, Berke, Ardas, Zeynep, Emile, Filiz, Siniem, Sencer, Lara, Sezgin, Sema, Mehran, Senem, Seda, Tevfik, Serap and the new babies, Gulseren, Zekiye, Yelda, Sevra, Hikmiye, Zeynep, Cevdet, Semire, Mecide, Cemile, Hasan, Emmun, Cahit, Semra, and blood lines living and dead, past, present and future members: that the Lord will forgive us, grant us Holy visions and Holy revelations about the truth, fill us with His Holy Ghost, clothe us with His Divine grace and hide us in the citadel of the sacred hearts of Jesus, Mary and Josef and in the blood in the bleeding sacred wound of His sacred heart for all eternity with all our houses, vehicles, work places, dear ones and in all our travels, that no evils, dangers or disasters will come near us and no enemy will ever be able to harm us or any of our dear ones or anything that belongs to us in any way and that nothing and nobody will be able to prevent God's will, destined for us from all eternity, from being entirely fulfilled in our lives. And also for the citizenship in America till there is peace in the Middle East.
Please pray also for new parents Sherif and Yildiz, Ismail and Serap, Irfan and Sema, and for their babies and their whole families.
Pray for rebirth of our Catholic Church in Turkey and conversion of the people.
For all special intentions.
Pray for Tahsin and Ali, for a safe trip to Turkey for a blessed vacation, conversion with Divine mercy and forgiveness.
And for all our businesses and their owners.
God will reward you from Heaven in Jesus' Name I pray, Mufide
July 17, 2005
From: "CHRISTOPHER" I have been experiencing many spiritual attacks. Please pray for me that I will
be totally set free from the evil one and all demonic spirits. Thank you.
Please also pray for me for complete healing and that when I pass away I will enter the Promised Land (Heaven). Thank you for praying for me.
Sincerely, Christopher
From: "PEG" Greg W. is a man who is 37 years old. He is currently a member of a local motorcycle club which is affiliated with a national group. He smokes and drinks. He has difficulty in telling the truth and frequently lies. He seems to be overtaken by a dark force or possessed by something evil. He seems to be psychologically imbalanced, possibly suffering from a mental illness. He has talked of leaving the motorcycle club for over a year but has not been able to because of the influence of the other men in the club. He has admitted that he has made poor choices due to the influence of the club. He recently left the woman he loved and wanted to marry because she was against his membership in the club. He has been with many women since then and seems more troubled than ever. I am compelled from within my heart to pray for this man. I am hopeful that you will assist me.
Please pray that Greg is surrounded with God's love and truth; that God remove the dark force that seems to be running Greg's life; that God clearly reveal to Greg when he is lying and give Greg the courage to tell the truth; that God gives Greg the strength to permanently leave the motorcycle club he is a member of and cuts off any and all contact with all of the club members; that God create a road block between Greg and all of the negative influences that have been causing him to lie, cheat, smoke, and drink; that God assist Greg in making healthier and better choices within his life; that God shine the light of truth upon Greg concerning all the women he has recently been with in order that he stops womanizing; that God lead him to and create a deep love for the woman he is meant to be with; that God sends an army of angels and saints to Greg for guidance and protection; that Greg be healed mentally and emotionally of any psychological problems he may be suffering from; that Greg is healed physically and spiritually; that Greg be able to clearly see all of his wrongs and make amends where necessary and appropriate; that God place within his path people who will be of positive influence within his life; please pray that Greg be absolutely and completely surrounded in all directions by God's Army.
Blessings to you for your prayer assistance!
July15, 2005
From: "RICK" Hi, please pray for me to get back with my ex-wife Louann and my son Ricky. I miss my family. I love them both with all of my heart and soul. I forgive Louann for the bad things and I ask you to pray for her to forgive me also. Please help, I love her and my son. Pray for us to have good health.
Thank you an God bless you all, Rick
July 10, 2005
From: "KIM" Please pray for my husband. Mike left without warning 12 days ago. He suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression. He is treating me like the enemy; rented his own apartment and wants his name off the bills, etc. He knows the Lord. He knows that what he is doing is wrong. We’ve had a good marriage. It has been under strain due to the death of my father and my cancer diagnosis a year ago (in remission now) but nothing worth walking out over. He's directing his anger at me. He's been under the influence of a bad VA counselor. Every week when he goes, he does something even more extreme! He's also been taking psych drugs and I don't know what those have done to his mind. He needs to be away from her and out of her care. I am aware that he is seeking a "second opinion" with a Christian counselor. I do not know if he has gone yet or if he is only scheduled.
Please pray for many things. First that he will submit to God and will hear His voice. I also ask that when he does see this Christian counselor, that there will be a mighty work done. That the Lord will speak through this counselor and to my husband; that He will tell him that he needs to be with his wife to work on this. Please pray that the Lord will soften his heart towards me QUICKLY and put a longing/desire for me in there again so that when he does talk to me (right now via email), he isn't so mean and harsh. We used to be a team. Please pray that he will have a desire to go to couples counseling sooner rather than later and that he won't be unfaithful during our time apart. He needs mental help ASAP! We need a healing. Also, please pray for a peace for me. I'm having panic attacks. I ask that the Lord show me He is working. I am claiming my marriage in the name of Jesus and ask that you do the same. We need a miracle.
I know that this a lot to ask for, but I am desperate and this is truly a crisis! Thank-you! Kim
July 9, 2005
From: "NANCY" My husband has lost his job of 21 years. We are behind on our mortgage and need $1200 so we don't lose our house. We have no where to go and we are a family of six. Pray for us.
July 8, 2005
From: "MARIANNE" Please pray for my daughter and myself. I am a single mother on disability for liver and pancreatic cancer. My daughter who is 15 is currently in drug rehab for a cocaine overdose. We are in financial ruins and could benefit from all prayers.
Thank you, Marianne
July 7, 2005
From: "JANICE'S FAMILY" My request is for my sister Janice. She is very ill with cancer that has spread. Her first bout with cancer started back in 1995. Janice recovered, then in about 2004 she found out that it was back. Let me go back for a minute. Janice has breast cancer. It has also spread to her brain, neck and spine. This means that she cannot walk at this time. She also has a wonderful 12 year old son named Ivan that through the grace of God and hard work she is raising to walk in the way the Lord desires for us to live. If you knew my sister and her faith in our Lord and Savior and just how commited she is to doing the Lord's work whatever it may be—if you knew how before the return of the disease she lived to help others, from her own family to all of her Christian Family to all families—if you knew her longing to truly do the Lord's will and not her own—then you would truly know Janice.
Please all of God's children I ask you to earnestly, as I am sure you will, PRAY! With all the strength that God allows you in Jesus Name, Amen! May all of His light forever shine upon you all! We thank you with every fiber of our very being. We appreciate each and every one of you. From Janice's family
From: "CARL" Dear Friend, I am writing to invite you to join in a new prayer initiative for Britain and Ireland.
In some parts of the UK the number of Christians is less than 1% of the population. There is also escalating crime, and some tough government legislation currently going through—namely the ‘Incitement to Religious Hatred Bill’ that will radically affect the way people share their faith. I heard a story just the other day of the police calling on an elderly couple in England who had been giving out simple tracts—the police told them their ‘behaviour’ was offensive.
We want to turn this around in prayer. It’s not all bad news, there are counties in the UK that are reporting reductions in the crime rate; these are the counties that have concerted prayer initiatives. Will you help us pray Britain and Ireland into it’s Christian future?
Every Blessing, Carl
(Information on becoming a prayer partner, newsletter subscription and other resources at www.prayer.tv)
Editor's Note: The web address is provided for informational purposes only and does not imply a current affiliation or endorsement by CHAIN.
July 6, 2005
From: "KATHY" Please pray for Theresa; she is going to have a triple by-pass today.
Thank you! ~ Kathy
July 5, 2005
From: "BATTLEAX" Please pray for my pagan neighbors who need salvation and deliverance. I am aware of a coven of pagans in the apartment complex including Stella and her son Byron, Dianna, Patricia, and Mr. W. I need backup prayer against spiritual darkness that wants to combat me and other believers.
I am also praying for disability payments to be approved and no more delays.
Thank you for your prayers and be blessed! Battleax
July 1, 2005
From: "NICOLE" Please Pray for my father-in-law John. He just found out he has Fibrosis in his lungs.
Thank you so much , Nicole