CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
May 27, 2005
From: "JANE" I pray to find a real friend in Jesus who likes blue sky and blue soul. I pray to receive help looking for an artist's representative, an art manager, and a patron for my painting . I need the Lord's blessing. God in Love
May 26, 2005
From: "KAREN" I would like to request prayer for my family that has been going through a lot of obstacles that the enemy have put us through for many years. After so many hurts and falls somehow God's faith still lights up in my heart assuring me that He's here and that everything will be resolved, since I have experienced His many favors and mercy in my life. But the enemy seems not to give up in trying to destroy this family that was rebuilt out of two broken marriages and many scars that have been healed through a lot of prayers and sacrifices. The battle is ongoing, recently there have been many attacks to try to break this family and there have been many thoughts of giving up from myself. Somehow, God thrugh His mighty power talks to Me in different ways that I just can't resist to call upon Him and say I will trust You my God even though it seems that the world is against me. I will somehow make it through this torment again. I know that I have to trust Him. So I asked my God to give strength like Queen Esther, that I will be the instrument of salvation for my family, that God will use me to bring my family back to Him. I know that everything is possible if I believe. My Husband laughs at me when I speak about God. He seems to have forgotten long ago how God has been with us all these times. I know that's just the enemy trying to discourage me. I tell you all that He will answer our prayers. His ears are still open these days. He still listens. There is still hope and therefore I will not give up. I will continue to try once again, for He will not forsake me through this dark time that I'm going through in my life. I shall rest in My Lord's hands, for He comforts me and I will not fear what it seems to be. But I ask the Lord to open My spiritual eyes and see His salvation. Pray for me, as I will pray for all of you here, and may our prayers be lifted into His presence today.
May 24, 2005
From: "D" I do know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior and He has answered many prayers for me . . . through Him anything is possible. I want to pray for my friend John, he has emotional scars from a past girlfriend and he can't seem to get past it. I ask that the Lord free John of his deep emotional scars so that he can move on with his life without reflecting on his emotional trauma. Lord please take all this pain from John's mind, heart and soul so that he can give his new relationship 100% of himself without looking back to the past. In Jesus Name, Amen. Thank You.
From: "WESLEY" Pray for my troubled marriage. That God will bring healing to my wife's heart and our marriage. Have His will be done and to Him all the glory.
Wesley & April . . . thanks and God bless you.
May 11, 2005
From: "MARI" I just got a call from our friend Susan O. whose daughter is a teacher in the West Bank where they are in the midst of intense battles—terrible confusion about who is fighting who—she said you see bandaged up people everywhere. Also, yesterday a group who claimed to be with the Palestinian Board of Health burst into the school and the class rooms and told everyone to roll up their sleeves and get a shot for a mumps epidemic. Hannah was totally taken by surprise as there had been no word of an epidemic. They forced everyone to get a shot without parental permission or anything! So of course they fear just what was in this shot and ask for protection over everyone who got it. Hannah is 25 and fresh out of college.
Thanks for the prayers! Blessings, Mari
May 10, 2005
From: "CHRISTINE" Hello my name is Christine and I was just wondering if you would all pray for me. I am a junior in college and was offered a great job in Las Vegas. I move Friday and I don't know anyone there and I am going there with very little. I feel as if God is calling me to take this job but it is also a scary experience as well. I have a great job and a good apartment when I move there and I will be finishing school there. I am leaving a lot behind yet gaining a whole bunch. If you would pray that this move goes smoothly and all works out well that would be great. I am really scared but I know this is God's plan.
Please pray for me, Christine
From: "ELIZABETH" Ian W. is having brain surgery today. He has a cancerous tumor that has caused him to be very sick and stay in the hospital for some time now. He is 14 years old. The doctors feel like they will need to be aggressive and may have to go into some brain tissue. This is his second tumor; the first was not as aggressive and the doctors were able to go in and remove it with out disturbing brain tissue. Please cover him and family in prayers for a miraculous healing.
Thank you, Elizabeth
May 9, 2005
From: "PAT" Our Police Chief has prostate cancer and will be having surgery on June 20. He is still working and is on medication to hopefully shrink the tumor. His Father and Mother both died from cancer and he is having a mental battle as we all do in that situation.
His faith is strong and he appreciates all the prayers he can get.
A year ago Walt, the pastor of a local church, fell from a tree house he was building for his children. He severely broke his leg in three places. The bones have not healed properly (come together). His leg was out of alignment actually! A month ago Walt had surgery to rebreak the leg in three places and try to correct the problem. Otherwise, doctors said they would have to do a fusion of his ankle to the leg and cause him to be permanently unable to move his ankle (handicapped). Obviously as a young father...he didn't want to do that at all costs. They put 13 pins in his ankle to hold it in place.
Pray that total restoration and healing will take place. That the muscles, tendons, and bones would come into perfect alignment!