CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
November 28, 2005
From: "MUFIDE" Please for Jesus' sake pray for:
Sinan – He had his lung operation in Turkey and he is only 28. Instead of healing, the lungs got infected, so he had the second operation in three days.
Mufide – healing of mind, freedom from all evils, dangers, disasters of all kinds.
Nail – healing after operationin Romania
Faruk – Divine healing and Divine Apostleship
Nedime – healing of nerves and bones
Ismail – healing of depression and mind
Ali – healing of diabetes
Faruk – all kinds of healings
Sherif – healing of knee
Fevziye – all kinds of healings and conversion, salvation of all.
Mehmet R. – conversion, Divine Mercy and For Divine help to sell his business, which is in another town, in Turkey and he is too old and weak to run it.
Mufide – she had an accident a week ago, the police have written wrong statement, please pray that the police will write the right statement and She will get her money from the insurance according to God's will and will not give harm to her brother who pays her insurance in his name. And for wisdom and guidance in all her and all her family members ways.
Tahsin and Ali – safety and for vocation, conversion, Divine mercy, forgiveness
And for import businesses, stores, petrol companies, tourism business, communications businesses, and all other businesses connected with my family and friends. The import company I work for had only few customers last week. They could hardly pay the rent. They could not even pay me. They just had a new baby and they do not have insurance or any social support at all. For their conversion and salvation.
Please pray that The Lord will will convert and transfom my parents with all my family members and Faruk in Romania, as He transformed me during my visit to America 12 years ago. And for Divine strength for me to be able to continue to pray for them. Mufide and all family tree members and all Alevies (a Turkish religious minority group) in the world, for a very special intention for God's will, God's way and for all special intentions.
God bless you. Mufide.
November 21, 2005
From: "MUFIDE" In Jesus' Name and for the sake of God the most High, Please pray till they are delivered from everything separating them from the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for: I Mufide and Nedime, Mehmet and Children, Tahsin and Ali, Irfan and all family tree members. Also for Irfan and his wife Sema and their new born baby Mehmet and for Fevziye, Ismail, Serif, Faruk, Lara, Nedime, Zeynep, Suda, Faruk, Alo, Acip, Serap, Yildiz, Zeynep, Ali, Tahsin, Sherif, Emile, Sinem, Hamdi, Sencer, Sezgin, Mehran, Senem, Seda, Tevfik, Himet, Gulseren, Sinan, Nesime, Zekiye, Yelda, Sevah, Cevdet, Semire, Mecide, Cemile, Hasan, Emmun, Cahit, Semra, Mehmet and Hande and all blood lines, past, present, future members. Pray that the LORD will forgive us, grant us Holy visions, Holy revelations about the Truth, fill us with His Holy Ghost, clothe us with His Divine Grace and hide us in the Citadel of the sacred hearts of Jesus, Mary and Josef and in the blood of the sacred wound of His sacred heart for all eternity, with all our houses, transportation vehicles, work places, dear ones and all our travels that not any evils, dangers, disasters, will come near us and not any enemy will ever be able to harm us or any dear ones or anything that belong to us in any way and that nothing and nobody will be able to prevent God's will, destined for us from all eternity, from being entirely fullfilled in our lives. Pray for deliverance from all our sins and from the sins of our ancestors.
In Jesus' Name and In His Precious Blood and for the sake of God the most High, could you please pray for us from Turkey, please till we are delivered from everything seperating us from the Lord Jesus Christ. We are the lost, stolen, children of Christians during the invasions. And for the citizenship in America till there is peace in my country. Pray for rebirth of our Catholic Church in Turkey and conversion of the people!
God bless you, Mufide
From: "MIKE" I have an 18 year old son Michael. He was brought up in a Christian family, however is now getting into drugs and pornography. I would ask for your prayers to surround Michael with a hedge of protection from Satan. Please Lord protect Michael's mind and touch his heart to return to You. In Jesus name. Amen!
Thanks! Mike
November 20, 2005
From: "WAYNE" Pray for Aimee please, for her safety, well being, peace of mind, and all blessings.Thank you.
Sincerely yours, Wayne
November 19, 2005
From: "POLITA" Abba Father, I surrender my husband into Your Holy hands. He is in love with another woman and because of this woman there is no peace in my family. He is under depression and drinking heavily and harassing me. Jesus, our family is falling apart. Jesus cover him with Your precious blood and open his eyes and guide him on the right path. Jesus give him repentance and a forgiving heart. Jesus by the power of Your precious blood break the soul to soul tie between Victor and Sherry. Take control of his drinking habit. Jesus please keep this woman away from my husband and bring her more and more close to You. Jesus, grant him a good job. Jesus, please save my marriage.
Thank You Jesus. Praise You Jesus. We love You Jesus.
November 14, 2005
From: "BRANDY" Pray for the salvation of my husband Daniel and restoration of our marriage. We have been separated for one year and have four wonderful children. Pray he will come home soon to his family and to me the wife of his youth.
November 13, 2005
From: "LATRICIA" Greetings, My name is Latricia and I am a 44 year old female, with a rare bone disease that can possibly turn cancerous at any time. Unfortunately my three daughters; Melissa 21, Jennifer 19, and Rebecca 17, could share this disease with me. So far only Jennifer and Rebecca have shown symptoms. I have been a devout, bible reading, praying Christian for 31 years. I know that my family and I are suffering under a spiritual attack. Hopelessness, despair, depression, anger and blaming have been running through my daugahters' lives. I also get despondent at times. I am living off of Social Security and I am quickly going under. I cannot afford my medications. I have had close friends turn on me. My daughters also have turned on me from time to time. Usually these things resolve themselves, but this time they have not. I have stepped up my prayer life and this is the response I am getting. I really do need your prayers and any other assistance you could offer. Really, please, I am being very sincere and honest. I am not worried about having Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am concerned about just making it through the months of November and December. We will not be able to celebrate these holidays without help. Please, please, and thank you and God Bless you.
November 11, 2005
From: "BEEZEE" A family member was in an accident yesterday. She is 32 and in critical condition. Her 7 year old daughter died in the accident. Please pray for her and her family. Her name is Rachael.
Thank You
November 2, 2005
From: "LESLIE" Dear friends in Christ Jesus, please pray for me and my husband James. Please pray that the Lord blesses our marriage. We have been going through some troubling times and the "talk" of either separation and/or divorce has come up quite often in the recent past. We still love each other and have two children. Please pray that peace and foremost, forgiveness enters our hearts and that our marriage will sustain this time of tribulation.
Thank you so much! May God continue to Bless you and yours. Sincerely and with love, Leslie