CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
January 25, 2006
From: "MUFIDE" In Jesus' Name and for the sake of God, the most High, could you please pray for: Ali, Tahsin, Faruk, Ismail, Irfan, Sherif, Fevziye, Nedime, Mehmet, Yildiz, Mufide, Lara, Sema, Serap and the new babies, Zeynep, Faruk, Mehmet and Gulseren, Alo and children, Emmun, and blood lines. Pray that the Lord will hide us in the citadel of the sacred hearts of Jesus, Mary and Josef and in the blood in the bleeding sacred wound of His sacred heart for all eternity, that no evils, dangers or disasters will come near us. And no enemy will ever be able to harm us or any dear ones or anything that belongs to us in any way and that nothing and nobody will be able to prevent God's will, destined for us from all eternity, from being entirely fulfilled in our lives. Also for the Holy Ghost, Holy vocations, long lives, good health, salvation, Immigration Lottery to America and for all other special intentions.
God will reward you from heaven. In Jesus' Name I pray, Mufide
From: "T. A." Dear Friends in prayer,
Be so kind as to pray for me for guidance in my career and as I am seeking another job.
Thank you, T. A.
January 20, 2006
From: "PASTOR ZAHID" To: Respected in Christ, Brothers & Sisters
Greetings to you from our family and church congregation. We hope that God is blessing you and yours in many, many ways.
I take the pleasure of introdcing myself and my family to you. I am Reverend Pastor Zahid of Pakistan. I and my spouse, Rafaqat, and our team are dedicated believers and working whole-heartedly in the service of Jesus Christ. We are doing the Lord's service in the backward area of Pakistan. I and our team are providing spiritual religious services to the Christian community in the city and some villages in the periphery. As there is no church building available we are compelled to hold meetings in individual home churches.
Last year we and our church congregation collected $3,000 to buy a plot of land for a church building in the city area. We need $10,000 more to actually buy a piece of land because in the city the rate (price) is very heavy.
We are requesting that you please pray for our church plan, that God provide for us as soon as possible enough money so that we can buy a plot of land in the city. We shall be indebted for your help and cooperation in this regard.
Your brother in Christ, Pastor Zahid
January 19, 2006
From: "ELAINE" I just found out that I have lung cancer. Will be starting treatment soon. I pray for strength to get through this ordeal and to try to make my family and friends feel more comfortable when discussing the disease.
January 18, 2006
From: "SUSI" Please pray for my nephew Eliseo Jr. because cancer was found in part of his body. He is only 17 years old and is a good boy. I will appreciate all of your prayers for him and his family.
God bless you all. Thank you so much for your assistance in this request, Susi
January 17, 2006
From: "GENIE"
Philip—For the instantaneous and miraculous healing of all his sickness, escpecially sinus, coughing, headaches and colds. Clear his lungs, Lord. For negative result of his medical biopsy exam today. That he will be able to sell his truck soon. That God will bless him abundantly this coming February through the scholarship draw. Bless all the people who borrowed from him so they will be able to pay him back. For protection and a safe trip for him on February 4. That he will be able to get a non-quota visa here. That he will never leave his wife again and they will live together forever. For the realization of their church wedding on February 12. Use him mightily and allow him to serve and love You more, Lord. Reveal to him his purpose in life. Be the center of our marriage and family Lord. Guide them and bless the business that they would like to start. Fix everything Lord and solve all his problems. Make him more open to his wife. Protect him against all kinds of accidents, temptations, danger and bad people. Deliver and free him totally from the bondage of smoking and impatience. Change his heart. Bless and protect all his family members. Comfort him, guide and bless him continuously.
Genie—Lord, please bring back my hubby Phil and all my kids to me very soon. Bond us with Your love forever as you have promised me. Bless us abundantly. Bless the buisness that we want to start that we may be able to pay all our bills and debts. To be able to get my kids, build a house of our own and eat a complete meal daily. Lead us to the right business and people who can help us so that in return we can give You our offering and help others. Please pray that I may be able to get my birth certificate very soon and be able to visit my mom and Philip's family abroad. Heal all my sickness. Protect my family, driends and loved ones from all kinds of danger, accidents, sickness, calamities and bad people. Continually guide and protect me, Lord. Grant me peace. Strengthen me, especially my faith. Take away all my fears. Use me more and allow me to serve You more. Change my heart. Grant also the request of all the people who need prayers Lord: Brian, JollyGiant, Chandu, Darell M. Carl A., etc.
Editor's Note: Please pray along with Genie for the long list of other people on her heart and agree with her that God will give them their needs and requests according to His will.
January 16, 2006
From: "TINA" Pray for me and my family and pray for my brother-in-law that God will touch his heart in a mighty way.
January 12, 2006
From: "KELLY" Could you please add John and his wife Diane from Canada to your prayer list. John is battling cancer and I know he would feel honored to have other people out there taking time out of their busy lives to pray for him and Diane at this time. The two of them have always done what they can to help/assist others when someone reaches out to them. I know they would deeply appreciate prayers for themselves from others at this time so if you would add them into your prayers for healing, comfort, guidance that would be wonderful.
Thank you, Kelly
January 11, 2006
From: "JOHN" Prayer is needed for me, John, that God's direction would be clear. My wife has left the marriage for the third time due to a case of manic depression. Pray that God would give me patience to endure or would close wounds and let me be finished with the pain of having a spouse not attuned with God's heart.
January 9, 2006
From: "BARBARA" I am standing in faith for the restoration of my marriage. However, there is an ex-wife involved, who wields a financial impact on my husband. Although she is 15 years older than he is, she has the money to support him in a lifestyle more comfortable than we can create together. He is alcohol-dependant, and I believe she has taken advantage of this fact, and has essentially become an enabler. He calls her house a "comfort zone", which might be accurately described, as he is high-strung and easily stressed. Relief of financial responsibility is always more comfortable than facing the issues.
We were only together for one month. He said he wanted to go back to his childhood church, and rededicate his life to God. He tried to stop drinking, and had to be hospitalized during this time. The pressures of the adjustment to a new relationship, the alcoholism, his health problems, the negative input from family and friends, my psychological insecurities carried over from past relationships, the lack of money, and more than anything else, the neglect of actively seeking God in our relationship, drove a wedge between us that separated us.
However, regardless of how it looks to anyone else, I know in my heart that he is the man who was prophesied to me years ago. I love him dearly, and he says he loves me the same way. I believe him. Apart from the alcoholism, he is extremely intelligent, articulate, exceptionally talented, and good-hearted. He has passion and drive, and a great personality. Most people love him. (But not my family! They do not want me with him at all, because of the drinking. I do not drink.) The negativity comes in from the alcohol, which disables the mind, and allows the devil to walk right in.
I am expecting these miracles: that he will experience a burning desire for God, and will realize that God put us together, that we will be reunited, as ordained by God, to do that which He has commissioned us to do together, that he will easily quit the drinking, and that God will bless us with financial resources. Most importantly that the fulfillment of the prophecies will come to pass. I know that many, many people will be affected by our testimonies, when these things actually start occurring.
Please stand with me in prayer that by the blood of Jesus Christ, all negative influences, or anything or anyone that would come against the will of God in our lives will be cast out. Pray that his desire to rededicate his life will come to pass, and that we will fulfill the prophecies I received many years ago.
Thank you for your support. My name is Barbara, and his name is Gary. We are both professional musicians, and have worked with top-name country artists, with contacts in Nashville. The music industry sorely needs our testimonies and ministry, as prophesied to me in a tent meeting, by a preacher who had never even seen me before!
January 5, 2006
From: "JUDY" I have come to this prayer site in the past and I feel the need to come at this time to request prayer on behalf of my brand new little 5-day old granddaughter. She is beautiful. She was born about 4 weeks early and has some jaundice that is being treated at home. She also is getting blood tests to check on effectiveness of the light therapy. For some reason, her Daddy thinks this treatment is unnecessary even though the pediatrician has recommended the therapy. He is being very obstinate and negative. My daughter, the Mommy, is trying to be tolerant and explain the necessity of treatment to her husband. My daughter had a severe bout of postpartum depression six years ago after the birth of my grandson. I fear that this may reoccur if she continues to have issues with her husband and he continues to be so negatively opinionated. Please pray that the Daddy will come to understand that whatever is necessary for the baby's health is what must be done. Also please pray that the jaundice will resolve without any ill effects to the baby. I am so thankful to God for the miracle of her birth. I ask Him daily to surround her with His love and gentle protection. Our God is an awesome God and I know He hears our prayers. I brought pleas before you on this prayer site in the past when I was so worried about the difficulties my daughter and her husband were facing in their marriage. I thank you for your prayers for them at that time and that our Lord and Savior intervened to help them get things in a better perspective. My daughter also began treatment for her depression and seems in good control. So once again, I covet your prayers on their behalf. I already the know the power of a praying people.
I would also ask that you pray for my 6-year old grandson. He is having some vision trouble that just started last week. He is a wonderful young man and is so proud of his new baby sister.
I come humbly beseeching your prayers for my family. Thank you each and every one who reads this and and God Bless you and you engage in the sacred communication with our Lord known as prayer. We are so blessed that we can go to Him any time and in any place and lay our burdens at His feet. He is a wondrous and loving Father. I will close now and let you know how God's healing grace has taken hold of this family so much in need of your prayers. Thank you.
From: "TOM" Pray for wisdom and healing in the following families:
Darron, Shaun and Rhonda C.
Marcus and Kevin B.
Les and Ruth H.
Thank You
January 3, 2006
From: "ANGIE" Please pray for the 13 trapped coal miners in Upshur County, West Virginia, Sago Coal Mine. There was an explosion yesterday morning and they have been trapped since about 6:30 a.m. Please pray for their safe return home to their families and loved ones, pray for the rescue workers and of course, the families as they endure this terrible ordeal. Dear God, be with these men and let them gather strength from you and hear our prayers. Thank you so much and may God bless each of you.
Editor: As most of you know this situation turned out to be a very heart wrenching one for most of the families when an initial report that 12 miners were found alive turned out to be false and there was only survivor. Pray for him as he recovers and for the people who lost fathers, sons, brothers, friends and loved ones.