CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
June 24, 2006
From: "RITA" Please pray for my twin sister who recently had a mammogram, which showed up abnormal. She has to have more extensive tests done next Friday and she was diagnosed with advance uterine cancer back in September. I am beside myself with worry. Please pray that there will be nothing wrong and for God to heal her completely.
Thank you for praying.
June 20, 2006
From: "JO" I need an English as a Second Language (ESL) teaching job. I resigned my teaching postion and moved back to my hometown due to family needs. I have one year of experience and good references, but my applications are
being ignored. It will take a miracle to get a job in this city.
Thanks for praying.
From: "KAREN" Would you please pray for me to get this full time county job that I applied for. I really want it. I'm desperate need of money and a job. I know it is in the Lord's hands. I believe this is His will for me to get this job. Pray for my husband as well, that Al comes home and our love is restored, that the Lord will shine within us when we meet again.
Thank you all and God bless. Karen
From: "GENIE" Please pray for me and my hubby to be able to find a job soon. Pray for the healing of his headach, cough and shaking hands. Pray for the healing of my son Judiel's rashes. I have a sty on my left eye, please pray it heals. Pray for financial blessings that we may be able to pay all our bills and eat. There are no food stamps in here. We don't know how long we will still stil live (when are we going to die of hunger?). All we wanted was to be together. May God lead us to the right path. I'm getting hopeless.
Please pray that we may be able to publish our website. I created a website for the jobless people out there who are looking for a job. We also want to be able to help out our church and two orphanages. May God lead me and give me wisdom and knowledge because I don't know how to link the pages and my email. The site works simply, you tell me where you are and what kind of job you want to apply for.
Please pray for the protection against all sorts of danger, accident, calamity and fatal sickness. Pray for provision for all of our needs and good health. I still have three kids who aren't living with me right now. Please pray for our reconciliation. Please pray that we may be able to go back to the USA in November. The fulfillment of this request will require a miracle, but include me in your prayers. Rest assured I will also include you in mine. You are not alone in your predicament. I have terrible problems but we both know we have a big God who hears all our cries. We know and pray that He will make a way for all of us.
Thank you. God be with you.
From: "CINDY" Please pray for my son Keith and his wife Jamie. They have two babies, Hailey 18 months and Aiden 6 weeks. They have grown apart in the last few months. My son gave his life to Christ in 2001. But since that time he has drifted away. I know that Jesus wants him back and my son needs our prayers now when he is too weak emotionally to pray for himself. Please help me to pray for Keith, Jamie, Hailey and Aiden.
Thank you and God Bless, Cindy
June 17, 2006
From: "MARTI" My daughter M. was raised in a Christian home, but foolishly married an illegal alien and has one child. O. has no spiritual interest, isn’t interested in investing in his marriage and is a minimal dad. M. is miserable. Pray for repentance and salvation for O. and repentance for M.
June 16, 2006
From: "MUFIDE" Could you please pray for Mehmet and Nedime and their families, for God's will, best health, longest lives, salvation and for them continuously to be bathed in the Blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Ghost with no harm at all. Also that they'll never have any physical, spiritual and financial collapse at all.
Pray for Irfan for his conversion and salvation, for his family, business, and his car. He just bought his car less than a month ago and he had an accident today. Pray that he'll be able to repair it easily without expense. Also for God's blessings and protection upon him and his family.
Pray for all my intentions.
God Bless you and reward you and all others praying for us.
In Jesus' Mighty Name I pray, Mufide.
From: "LO" Please pray for me that God helps me in my circumstance.
June 13, 2006
From: "RICHARD" UPDATE: Thank you to all who in faith have been praying for my wife and I. God has shown favor and now we must continue to put the down payment on the new house. I also ask that you please pray for strength and attentiveness as to how God plans to use this home to His glory. Please pray for us and the and the struggles that we continue to face.
God bless and keep you, Richard
June 12, 2006
From: "CARRIE" Forgive me if this all doesn't make sense. I am crying. I am trying to write the right things.I HAD a friend named Annie. I just found out that she passed away at the age of 29. She passed away just before Christmas 2005 but I never knew. She was giving birth and the baby had distress and she had an embolism. That is all I know. There was a huge wake and funeral for Annie. She was very much loved by a lot of people. And I didn't know about it or that something had even happened to Annie. I found out two days ago over the phone. I had written a letter to Annie about a month or so ago and her husband John kept it and held on to it. It was too hard for him to call me. He is not handling it at all well. So, when, Jenny, one of Annie's friends, came to John and Annie's house he asked her to give me a call, which she did. She didn't know how to find me at first though. No one did. We had moved and I hadn't told Annie yet where we were living. My husband and I witnessed a crime a few years back so we only tell a few people where we are. It's just a safety measure for us. And Annie should have had that number and more! I missed Annie's wedding also! I am such a jerk. I loved Annie as a friend so much. She was very dear to my heart. So, anyway, Jenny left a message on my parents answering machine. My dad played me the message over the phone. Then I called Jenny and found out that Annie had died. She had complained of headaches after giving birth to Wesley James. She is survived by her mother Vicky, her dad Peter, her twin brother A.J., and her husband John.
I am very sorrowful over all of this. I didn't know! I should have been there, but I didn't know. I should have called Annie to let her know where I was. I should have talked to Annie more before all of this happened. I didn't even know she was pregnant. And we were very close friends. We grew up together from 6th grade until now. I am 28. She would be 30 this month. I will be 29 next month. I am so angry at myself for not paying better attention to her. Friends should stay in contact better. And I didn't this time. Her twin brother and I are friends also. I just found out he is engaged. Jenny was really nice telling me everything that happened. But I was so upset while talking to her that I forgot half of what she told me. I am crying right now as I write this. Please pray for this family. Please pray for me for some closure. I am going to go to the cemetery the next time I go home. We are going to go a different way home so I can stop and see the place where Annie is laid to rest. I also want John to let me see Annie's baby Wesley James. Please don't judge me. I need encouragement, not anything else. I need God's people to pray for me. Oh, Annie went to heaven. I know that for sure. She prayed to get saved when she was about 13 years old. So, that comforts me some. I need to pray for salvation for the rest of the family: Vicky, Peter, AJ, and John. And the little baby Wesley James. I need prayer for me to be okay. I take death very hard. I am very sensitive and I feel very guilty for not talking to Annie for a while. Now she is dead and I won't ever get the chance again until heaven. Please pray for this situation! Please.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Carolyn "Carrie"
God Bless!
P.S. Please pray Jenny contacts me again by email and by phone.
From: "RICHARD" Dear Godly People:
Please continue to pray for my family and I as we go through these uncertain times. Please pray that God will strengthen us and hold our enemies at bay and find favor in our endeavors. We are also in the midst of making a home purchase as well as other areas of concern.
I pray that God blesses and keeps all of you that pray for folks like me who lean on you in our hour of need.
God bless, Richard
June 10, 2006
From: "GENIE" Please pray for my son Judiel. He is staying with me now after a year of being in an orphanage (I praise and thank God for it). Please pray for the healing of his measles. He has a fever now. Please pray for him. I can't bear to see him sick.
Pray also for us to find a good web host and for our website to be finished by Monday. Please pray for financial blessings and for Mike to pay us soon. Please pray for protection against accidents, danger, sickness, bad people and for provision, guidance, change of heart and healing of all my kids' sicknesses.
June 8, 2006
From: "CARRIE" Hello to all those who read this request, pray, and will pass it on to others. There is a woman named Delores. She just found out that she has pancreatic cancer. They are going to do surgery I think tomorrow (Friday the 9th of June). Please pray that it hasn't spread. And please pray that she will get better. It's breaking my heart to hear that she is sick. She is such a wonderful person. She is so sweet and kind. I love her. Her daughter Joanna and I were so close at one point. I guess you can live without a pancreas. Diabetics Type 1 deal with that all the time. I am type 2 so I don't really know. I am just only praying for her safety, her recovery, and that she will be comforted during all of these scary times going on. I love Delores as if she was like a second mom to me. I am crying. I grew up with her daughter. We were inseparable when we were kids. Please, please pray for Delores that God will spare her life and that she will get well. I don't know the odds on this. But please, please just pray for her. She is such a kind loving lady. I hate to see her go through all of this. Please pray for her.
Thank you and God Bless.
Carolyn "Carrie"
June 6, 2006
From: "RICHARD & BETTY" Dear fellow Christians: Please pray for my wife and I. We have been going through a terrible couple of years. We were forced into bankruptcy by my ex-wife's greed, have had to endure physical ailments including heart trouble and acute shingles covering 90% of two nerves (Richard), the imminent impending possibility of not having our house lease renewed at the end of this month because of our landlord's greed and taking such a hit during the hurricanes, the loss of my father in January, financial burdens and so much more.
We rebuke satan in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and pray that satan's understudies be forever walled out of our lives and held at bay. We confess and beg for forgiveness of our sins and whatever we may have done to provoke such travesties in our lives. Please pray that God strengthens our resolve and marriage and allows us to overcome these adversities to His glory.
Thank you so much for all of those who will intercede for us in prayer and God bless you in praying for our request, Richard & Betty
June 5, 2006
From: "SHERI" Dear prayer team: Jesus in Matthew Chapter 18, verses 19 and 20 promises, "Again I say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything they ask, it shall be done by the Father which is in Heaven." Please agree with me in prayer over the following requests:
1. That the Lord will bless me with favor at my current company with a great working environment and increased pay and new opportunities.
2. That God will bless me financially and cause me to have supernatural debt cancellation.
God bless you all, Sheri
June 4, 2006
From: "KIM" Please pray for my heart. I am suffering from some issues involving rejection and will have to do so today again possibly. I ask that you pray that the doors in the situation will open but if they close, that I will not feel rejected if it doesn't go the way I hope. Please pray for the people involved: that God will speak to the heart of one through the words of another. Please pray that the person speaking would be anointed and that the person listening would respond with a heart that is open. It's a situation that means a lot to me. I've had many doors close in the last three years and am really struggling with feeling rejected by God. I need something positive and I really do hope this would be it.
Thank you for your prayers.