CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
December 31, 2007
From: "MS. T.A." Dear Saints, my, my how I need your prayers now...I am in it deep. I am an RN and have just started a 12 week short contract with a company. The work is very hard and the work conditions are terrible. The charge nurse is unfair and it is just a bad situation. I was just thrown in and left to figure everything out on my own. I only have to last for ten more weeks. Dear Saints, would you stand with me that all will be well; that the Lord protect me, my nursing license and my patients? I need favor with everyone, and I already need justice. I know that God is able. I just need you to agree and stand with me. God bless you for standing with me in this matter; this is a true spiritual emergency.
Thank you, Ms. T. A.
December 27, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters I really need your prayers for strength and provision to make it to the New Year and to help the alcoholics were I live to make it
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
December 24, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for all your prayers all year.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
December 22, 2007
From: "MUFIDE" Please pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart
Please, emergency request for Nedime whose left eye went blind and the second eye is in trouble because of her high blood pressure. Also, her bones about to collapse although she is only in about her early 60's.
Also and emergency request for Emir, a 20-month old who fell from the second floor and hit his head on the ground, in coma in emergency. Pray for his family in Turkey.
Pray for all the children of my family and people, country, the world and all the children in their mother's wombs and all their family trees.
And for Irfan and Nedime and their family trees for all kinds of healings, conversion, Holy Ghost, well being, longes lives, Divine Mercy, victory and salvation and God's Will in their lives.
Please for Jesus' sake pray for and put on the Altar and in the Chalice the souls of all those waiting to be beatified or canonized in Heaven and my family and dear ones. Please pray also for those of us from Turkey till we are delivered from everything separating us from the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray for: Nedime, Mehmet, Irfan, Ali, Tahsin, Sherif, Ismail, Yildiz, Sema, Serap, Zeynep, Faruk A, Mehmet B. Hamdi, Lara N., Faruk and Mufide, Aloy and Zeynep, Semra, and the families and blood lines living and dead, past, present and future members, that the Lord will have mercy on us, forgive us, heal us, grant us longest lives, Holy visions, Holy revelations about the Truth, fill us with His Holy Ghost, clothe us with His Divine Grace and hide us in the Citadel of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and in the blood in the bleeding sacred wound of His Sacred Heart all eternity with all our houses, transportation vehicles, work places, dear ones, all our travels, that no evils, dangers or disasters, will come near us and not any enemy will ever be able to harm us or any dear ones or anything that belongs to us in any way and that nothing and no one will be able to prevent God's Will, destined for us from all eternity, from being entirely fullfilled in our lives. Also pray for deliverance from all our sins and from the sins of our ancestors. Pray for the citizenship in America till God's Will. And for all my intentions.
Pray for Sema to be able to come to her husband and her house in America as soon as possible.
God will Bless you abundantly from Heaven, in Jesus's mighty name I pray.
Thank you, Mufide
December 20, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, Merry Christmas. Asking special prayer for strength and provision to make it through the next week experiencing a lot of warfare with people who dread Chistmas, some with good reason. They think of all the past memories of good times with family and friends.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
December 13, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, Askng prayer for strength and provision. My doctor has ordered a biopsy for 1/9/08 for prostate cancer so I just need prayer to make it until then.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
December 6, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, I really need your prayers for strength and provision and for the senior citizens of Peter's Place. It has turned freezing cold and there are 65 people here as oppposed to a normal of 40. But more than that, some people are still actively using drugs and alcohol so there is always a spirit of contention.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
December 4, 2007
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, I really need your prayers for strength and provision as I am homeless and the weather has turned bitter cold.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny