CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
April 29, 2008
From: "CONRAD" Please pray that God would heal my friend George of cancer. George had about 12 inches of his colon removed in December. However, the cancer had spread from his colon before the surgery. He has had two PET/CT scans and they show cancer cells in his lung, lymph glands, and around his colon. There are cancer cells where none were detected on the first scan and some of the cancer cells on the first scan are now larger. The chemotherapy is not stopping the spread of the cancer.
From: "CONRAD" Please pray that Rita's treatment for cancer on her vocal chords would be successful. God has healed Rita of breast cancer and uterine cancer in the past and she needs His healing grace once again.
April 27, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, I really need your prayers for strength and provision one more week. I have been sleeping in a chair for about a year and will start to collect retirement in 3 months. I must not quit now.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
April 23, 2008
From: "JESSE" My friend Kacy has had ongoing health problems since she was a little girl. Now she is having kidney problems along with other complications and has been fighting for over a year now. The doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. She truly is one of the greatest and kindest people I know and no matter what she is going through, she manages to cheer people up.
Please pray that she is healed soon and no longer has any health problems. She truly is a great person. Thank you very much for your help.
Her friend Jesse
April 20, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. From the bottom of my heart I need prayer for strength and provision and for a very special unspoken request.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
April 13, 2008
From: "LIL" Update: Mary had to return to the hospital due to a complication and before she could go home again she ended up with an infection. The doctors have found the source and are treating it so she is starting to feel better. Please pray it will completely clear up so she can go home and recover her strength.
Blessings, Lil
From: "DANIEL" I cannot thank you enough for your prayers for protection. Many nights I am riding the subway because they put R-rated t.v shows on so I leave and ride the subway to stay warm. It is very dangerous but your prayers keep me safe.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
April 7, 2008
From: "DARLENE" I ask for prayer for my daughter Lee-Anne. She has to get out of her home as the people renting it to her want to sell it. She is pregnant and due at the end of May. She has a hubby, a beautiful rescue Lab dog named Sasha and a kitty and they all need a new home fast. With a new baby on the way— this is not a time to be homeless.
She has until May 1 to find an affordable home British Columbia that will take her rescue animal pets too!
April 6, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Please say a prayer for me. I do not feel well at
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
April 5, 2008
From: "LIL" Update: My friend Mary is home from the hospital and doing well and able to eat a little. Please continue to pray that God will heal her from cancer.
Blessings of God to you, Lil
April 2, 2008
From: "MUFIDE"
For Jesus's sake could you please pray for Irfan and his wife Sema and their 2 1/2 year old baby Mehmet. Please pray that Sema will be able to get her citizenship as soon as possible and come to her husband who is working and living in America. Also that they will be converted to the Catholic faith and be the Apostles of the Lord Jesus.
Please put on the Altar and in the Chalice, Nedime and Mehmet and all their children and all their family trees, dear ones.
Nedime had high blood pressure that blinded her eye and was taken to emergency where they did something with a laser to her eye that destroyed it. Also the other eye is troubling her and her bones about to collapse. She is only 62 years and taking care of many family members.
Also pray for Tahsin who is sick, and for God's will in his life with no harm.
Pray for Faruk and all his brothers and sisters and parents and their families. And for Fevziye and Tahsin and Ali and Sherif and Ismail. God's will with no harm at all.
Pray for Faruk who is planning to get married to a girl he lately met, for wisdom and guidance and understanding and God's help.
Please pray for Mufide and all her family and all those in her lists and all their needs and a very special intention. God's will be done.
God will bless you abundantly from Heaven, and make you, and all those praying for us, and us, Saints, in Jesus's mighty Name I pray, Mufide.