CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
August 31, 2008
From: "KRISTINA" Father, it has been a rough week. My Father I pray that You are with the survivors of the hurricane and be their Rock. Give them strength and keep them safe. I pray for all the animals that may be lost and the loved ones for the pain they will endure. Give them comfort Father.
I am struggling Lord and have tried to stay calm and have tried to pray to You everyday this week. I am trying to get a job as You know, and becoming very upset over it because I'm scared. I have gone back to some habits that I really need to stop as You also know, Lord. Please give me will power, Lord, so I can get my life back on track. You have been gracious to my family and I am overwhelmed at the awe I have seen in Your work; yet I selfishly continue to go down that side path. Give me wisdom and confidence to contribute to our business. Mark is struggling as well and it is killing me. Father give me strength. I pray for Cindy in helping us pay back what we owe her. She brought me to You and is one of Your angels. Thank You for putting her on my path to You. Please provide for us this coming week and bring us work in Your name. I give thanks now for the blessings You are going to bestow on us. I give thanks for the blessings You have already bestowed on us.
Jacey's game was awesome. Thank You for that day; it was amazing and a blessing for keeping him safe as I asked You to do. I pray that You watch over Noah and heal his flu. Thank You for both my boys. Please forgive me for my sins.
In Jesus' name I graciously pray, Amen.
August 29, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, asking special prayer for a homeless shelter in New York City for senior citizens. Pray that God would help everyone get housing and a better life, and also get to know Jesus as savior.
As for myself, I so much need God's strength and provision.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
August 26, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please pray for Faruk R. and his family members, first for the gift of Jesus and then for Jesus's holy will to be done in their lives. They are suffering.
God Bless you, Mufide
August 22, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Asking prayer for strength and provision one more week. Please know yourprayers are not in vain; they are literally saving my life.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
August 19, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please, Faruk needs very urgent prayers along with his parents and brothers and sisters for God's will in all things in their lives and most of all for the gift of Jesus and holy visions and revelations about the Truth and their salvation.
Pray also for the safety of Irfan and his wife Sema and their 3-year old, Mehmet. They are in the air on the way to America. Pray too for their conversion and revelation of the Truth about Jesus.
Also pray for Mufide and all family trees and all those she ever prayed for.
God Bless you, Mufide
August 18, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" For God's sake please pray for Faruk and Mehmet and Nedime and family members. God's will.
God bless you, Mufide.
August 15, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, please forgive me but my heart has been deeply wounded and you are the only ones I can turn to. I was blesssed with some money to go to camp and I was very excited because every time in the past it was such a special time to be with the Lord. When you are homeless those times are like getting life poured into you. At the last minute a ticket came in the mail that I had to pay and now I don't think I will be able to go. The worst part is I just don't care anymore. It seems like it has been one disappointment after another. In September I collect Social Security so there is always winter camp. The bus ticket I have been blessed with is good for one year. I am just asking prayer for strength and provision to make it one more week. Thank you for being my friend; without your prayers I do not think I would make it.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
From: "KRISTINA" My Precious Heavenly Father, again I graciously give You thanks for answering our prayers in helping us with our financial needs to our business and providing for us. We received a notice today that our insurance was cancelled and at first I was very distraught and even angry because of this dark valley that we've been in for so long seems to never end. Lord, please hear my prayers today and know that I do trust in You. My faith is sometimes waivered but when I come to You for strength You always reassure me Lord. Please let the insurance company reinstate us so that we don't have problems in the future. My husband is tired and weary and feels like giving up. It is the strength that You give me that I use to keep him going. If it is Your will Lord, let it be done. Please hear my prayers....thank you Father for the blessings You have bestowed on us up to this point and for those in the future to come. I graciously ask that You forgive my sins Lord, for You know that I am not perfect like You, but I follow as closely as I can.
In Jesus' name I graciously pray, Amen.
August 8, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Asking prayer for strength and provision one more week. Please know your prayers are not in vain; they are literally saving my life.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
August 3, 2008
From: "LILIAN" Please dear Lord grant relief to Barbara who has bone and lung cancer. We pray the chemo will help her and if not, that she will not suffer long.
In Jesus's name. Amen
August 1, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Asking prayer for strength and provision to make it one more week. Hopefully when you get this I will be on my way to camp.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny