CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
June 28, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Asking special prayer for strength and provision and for God's guidance on when and how to go to camp in Virginia.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
June 25, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please for Jesus's sake, pray for Mufide and Ali and Tahsin and Nedime and Sherif and Faruk and Irfan and Fevziye and Ismail and Mehmet and Zeyneps and all their family members and all dear ones and all their needs, problems and all intentions of Mufide.
God bless you, Mufide.
June 24, 2008
From: "SONY" I am working in a Middle Eastern country as an accountant. My wife is also working here as a nurse. Our marriage was in 2004 and still we don't have children. So I request all of you to pray for us for the above request.
Thank you
June 21, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi, please say a prayer for me my life seems to be getting a lot harder.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
June 15, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Asking special prayer for strength and provision to stay alive one more week.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
June 14, 2008
From: "LIL" The Midwest region of the United States has experienced significant flooding during the first half of June. An enormous area across Southern China has also suffered terrible flooding this month.
Please remember the people affected by these disasters; they need our prayers and support.
June 8, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. I am asking special prayer for strength and provision. Temperatures in the city are hitting 90 degrees and living on the street becomes a real challenge.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
June 7, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please put on the Altar of God, Nedime and Mehmet and all their children and all their family trees and dear ones.
Nedime and Mehmet came to visit us from Turkey about four weeks ago and they are going back in few days. They did shopping for their children and grandchildren, but everything they had shopped for disappeared. Could you please pray that she will be able to find them and for Holy visions and revelations about Jesus.
Also, Nedime had high blood pressure several months ago that blinded her eye and she was taken to emergency. They did something with a laser to her eye that destroyed it and the other eye is troubling her as well, and her bones about to collapse. She is only 62 years and taking care of many family members.
God will bless you abondantly from heaven, and make you, and all those praying for us and us Saints. In Jesus's Mighty Name I pray, Mufide.
From: "AMY" Hello: please pray for God to send me a husband. I have never been married nor have had children. I have been praying about this faithfully for 14 years. Please ask God to help me meet someone this year. Also, more specifically, please pray that if it pleases Him, and if it's His will, that I will be married in December of 2008.
Thank you so much, Amy
June 5, 2008
From: "LIL" The hot summer weather has arrived in Georgia. We have had a fair amount of rain so far this year, but already the ground is baking dry in the heat. Please pray the Lord will bless the U.S. Southeast and all world regions suffering from droughts with plenty of rain the for remainder of this year so the water supplies will be replenished.
Blessings, Lil