CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
November 28, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Asking special prayer for strength and provision just to make it through the week. I shudder to think of what Thankgsgiving would of been like without your prayers.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
November 21, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Asking special prayer for strength and provision and for the homeless senior citizens of Peter's Place that Thanksgiving week would be one of joy and not depression.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to you
November 16, 2008
From: "LIL" Our friend Krista asks prayer for her mental and emotional well-being as she recovers from a recent surgery and prepares for a second one. She's finding herself very nervous about all health issues just now and could use some additional strength from the Lord.
Blessings, Lil
November 14, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for your prayers could you please remember the homeless senior citizens of Peters Place for one more week. Your prayers make such a difference in the atmosphere, from one of bitterness and hate to one of love and compassion.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
November 10, 2008
From: "KRISTINA" Lord, I am still struggling even today with my addictions. I continue to pray every day that You will give me strength to walk way from my demons. I pray that I don't hinder my husband's dedicated work while he is so far away from our boys and myself at this time. I know that You have had us under Your arms the past few months. Thank You Father for protecting our family and answering our prayers, thank You for bestowing all Your blessings on us. Lord I beg You to watch over my family and our business. You have already given us so many blessings. I can share only a small amount of many prayers that have been answered by You, Amen.
I also pray for Mufide and Daniel, I pray that your requests are heard by our great Father. May our Lord hear you and bestow great blessings upon your family, God Bless.
My life has been on a roller coaster this past year! Wow, a year has already went by. Today I sit here and look back at what struggles I've been through: personal, business, family, financial, emotional, the list could go on. . . I bowled my first 300 last year on Nov 1, 2007. It was a feeling I will never forget; throwing that 12th strike in a row. Exhilarating! Don't know if I'll ever do it again. It was short lived though; the following day early in the a.m. hours we lost my husband's father. Instant joy gone in a split second, blink of an eye. I will never forget the day I bowled that 300 because I lost my father-in-law the next. It is the effects and the aftermath of events from this tragedy that is most amazing to me.
I've witnessed miracles that most people would take for granted. The difference is that to me they have all been prayers requested and answered, every single one of them. There is only one answer explaining how we've made it this far and survived....prayer. When I asked for it in prayer it was given, not right away of course but always just in time. Literally! In the most trying times when my faith was about to go over the edge and things looked rock-bottom, He would come through. With the many prayer requests from my family, myself and our church our prayers never went unanswered. For example, our business insurance that is a necessity would just about be cancelled for non-payment and we'd come up with the funds on the eve of, or even day of! Payroll is a huge iron in the fire. I would be at church on Wednesday night with the last of our funds in the bank to pay tithes and ask Him, sometimes beg, that we would have a check come in before Friday to make payroll. The next day there would be a check in the mail. Awesome!
We are in one of those adjustable rate mortgages; oh yeah, we're one of those families facing the possibility of losing our home. We have neighbors and family that have already lost their homes, who fought for months with their mortgage companies to work with them and help them during this worldwide disaster. We all prayed that my mortgage company would work with us and not deny us. I applied for help with our mortgage and it took four months to get it approved, but our mortgage went from $1850 a month down to $1000 a month. It was scheduled to go up to $2200 a month in the month we were approved. Lucky? I don't think so! We have been provided for this whole year. And even now, while my husband is in Texas doing hurricane clean-up work, we got a contract after everybody else was told to go home. Once again, there were many prayer requests for this. Amen! I am graciously thankful and blessed for what I have today. I don't work because currently I can't get a job. I've tried, but to no avail. It was depressing me for the longest time, but then we got work in Texas and lo and behold, I can't get a job now because I have to take care of our boys and that is the Lord's will. I have an awesome God, a wonderful family, good friends, a roof over my head, and good health, what more do I need?
Thank you Lord for all the blessings You have bestowed on me. Thank You for all the family and friends You have put in my path. Thank You, Amen.
November 7, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart.
Please put on the altar and in the chalice Tahsin and all his family tree members and all their needs and healings and long lives. God's will be done.
Also Nedime and Mehmet R. and all their children and all their family trees. Nedime had high blood pressure that blinded her eye, taken to emergency, they did something with a laser to her eye that destroyed her eye and also the other eye is troubling her and her bones are about to collapse and She is only 62 years old and taking care of many family members.
Pray also for Fevziye and Faruk, who along with Nedime and Mehmet R. are coming to visit us from Turkey this weekend. Pray for a very blessed visit and for their transformation into Catholic faith completely.
Please for Jesus' sake pray for and PUT on the altar, in the chalice the souls of all those waiting to be beatified or canonized in heaven and all the dead and dyings, and all my family tree and dear ones and all those I ever prayed for.
Please pray also for and put on the altar, in the divine chalice: Fr. Termini, Nedime, Mehmet, Fevziye, Irfan, Ali, Tahsin, Sherif, Ismail, Yildiz, Sema, Serap, Zeynep S., Faruk A., Mehmet B., Hamdi, Lara N., Faruk and Mufide, Zeynep, Emmun, Seda, Semra, Acip, Alo, Salih, Emir, Emile, Ayhan, Nedim, Aziz, Hindiye, Cahit, Ali, Sherife and for all the children in the family and in the world, born, unborn and all those praying for us and all those we ever prayed for and all families and blood lines living and dead, past, present, future members; that the Lord will have mercy on us, convert us, forgive us, heal us, grant us longest lives, salvation, holy visions, holy revelations about the truth, fill us with His Holy Ghost, clothe us with His divine grace and hide us in the citadel of the sacred hearts of Jesus, mary and Josef and in the blood in the bleeding sacred wound of His sacred heart for all eternity with all our Churches, religious vocations, all our problems, all our houses, transportation vehicles, work places, material possesions, dear ones, all our travels , that not any evils, dangers, disasters, will come near us and not any enemy will ever be able to harm us or any dear ones or anything that belong to us in any way and that nothing and nobody will be able to prevent God's will, destined for us from all eternity, from being entirely fullfilled in our lives. Pray for Mufide and family: their needs and all intentions.
God will Bless you abundantly from heaven, in Jesus' mighty name I pray, Mufide.
November 6, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters would you please say a prayer for me that this would be a breakthrough week for me spiritualy emotional mentally and financialy.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
P.S. Your prayers for the homeless here have changed everything for the better.