CHRIST'S HANDS ACROSS THE INTERNET Where christians come to share, pray and study.
October 31, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, asking special prayer for strength and provision. Plus your prayers made such a big difference in the atmosphere of Peter's Place; please remember the homeless there one more week.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
October 30, 2008
From: "MARTI" God, rescue three-month old Byron and three-year old Brandon. The kids' mom keeps the kids only because of the support money. No emotional investment. She lives a life of revolving-door sex, drunkenness, anger, lies, deceit. Puts the kids with a scary baby sitter. Morally, socially and spiritually this is ruining the boys. God, Please remove immoral, criminal, abusive gang friends and do whatever necessary to bring Maria to repentance.
October 27, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" Please put on the altar and in the chalice Tahsin and Ali and Irfan and Mufide and Fevziye and Ismail and Servet and Hikmiye and Sherif and Faruk and Nedime and Mehmet and Lara N. and Faruk A. and Mehmet Berke and Zeynep S. and Kaya and Sema and Emels and Nedim and Salih and Semra and Emmun and all family tree members and dear ones, past, present, future and all their needs and a very special intentions. And pray for all the prayer lists of Mufide. God's Will be done
God will Bless you abondantly from Heaven, and make you, and all those praying for us and us saints, in Jesus' mighty name I pray, Mufide.
October 23, 2008
From: "LIL" Our friend Krista will be having leg surgery on the 28th. Please pray for the success of the surgery, no complications or infections, and a quick recovery.
God's blessings to all, Lil
From: "MUFIDE" For Jesus' sake please pray for Mehmet and Nedime R. and their children and their family trees, and for their dear ones, all past, present, future, and for all eternity. God's will be done. Also pray for Mufide and all family trees and all those in her prayer lists.
Please In Jesus' name, keep our loved ones we have lost and all those in our lists in your prayers during November.
God Bless you and reward you, Mufide
October 17, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, asking special prayer for strength and provision this week. There is a lot of warfare in NYC right now and I so much want to be a part of the solution and not the problem.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
October 14, 2008
From: "MUFIDE" For God's sake please pray for Tahsin and Irfan and Mufide and family members. Conversions and reconciliations and forgiveness and God's will.
God Bless, Mufide
October 10, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, I really need your prayers for strength and provision just to make it through the next week it may not seem like much but it will save my life.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny
October 7, 2008
From: "LIL" Please pray that the financial problems of the United States and the world be resolved so the future of our children will be secure. Pray that leaders will be moved to put aside self-interest and make good decisions for all the people, and let them recognize when to leave matters alone so they do not do more harm than good. May the Lord especially impress upon the hearts and minds of believers to be good stewards of all our resources.
God's blessings to all, Lil
October 2, 2008
From: "DANIEL" Hi my brothers and sisters, I really need your prayers for strength and provisiom as I realize now that my retirement money is not going to go far in NYC and I look to the LORD for direction and guidance.
God richly bless you, Brother Danny